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residential house exterior painting

You might be wondering why you would need to paint your home, but the benefits of painting your house far outweigh reasons not to. Not only is it a quick and easy way to give your house a stylish refresh, it can also add more value financially, as well as help to keep those pesky maintenance costs to a minimum. Additionally, painting your home can bring with it some sweet health benefits!

Below are ten reasons why you should consider painting your home.

What Time Of Year Should You Paint Your Home

Keep that goose-down parka tucked away in the closet. When it comes to what time of year you should paint your home, early summer is best. No matter where you are in the country, experts agree that summertime is a sweet spot for painting projects. If it’s too cold, paint becomes thicker and takes forever to dry. If it’s too hot, it won’t bind correctly and can potentially cause blisters to form on the surface. However, milder and pleasant temperatures will allow that paint to cure at an ideal rate.

We know what you’re thinking. Why not spring or fall? The problem with spring and fall is the weather can be very unpredictable, and the last thing you’d want is for evaporating moisture to ruin your big painting project. Luckily, summer has many rain-free days making it the perfect time to give your house that facelift it’s always wanted.

Choosing The Best Color For Your Home

When it comes to choosing the best color for your home there are thousands of colors (yikes) that can be yours, but that’s no reason to feel intimidated. When it comes to exterior painting, there are a few things to consider that can help with the decision making process.

  • Pay attention to whether your home has existing brick or stone – these elements have more of a say than you might think when it comes to choosing a color.
  • Is your house fairly shaded or is it fully exposed to sunlight? Paying attention to how natural lighting interacts with your home could be the difference between “too bright” and “just right”.
  • Try to be mindful about how landscaping is going to balance with the exterior color of your home. Landscape heavy houses tend to need a more neutral color to balance things out.
  • Be sure to check out your homeowner’s association guidelines. Most HOAs have specific rules on what colors can be used for exterior paint on homes.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to choosing the best color for interior painting your walls.

  • Take a look at your home’s furnishings. Creating a color scheme based on your home’s furniture can help you narrow down that extensive list of colors to choose from.
  • Take note of how much natural lighting enters the room. Natural lighting plays a big role in what finish to choose. TV glare is one thing, but wall glare – yikes.
  • Match the color to the feeling you want in the room. Do you want your room to be restful and soothing? Go with cooler colors like blue, green, or clean whites. Need something evoking drama and energy? Colors like red, orange, and yellow can help spice up a space.

These are just some things to consider, but if you still need help, it’s recommended you consult a professional to help you with choosing the right colors for your home.

Why Painting Your Home Is So Important

Add Your Personality To Your Home

What does your home say about you? Are you the bold type, yet your house whispers “modesty”? Or are you bright and cheerful, yet your house gives off a sense of gloom? If the vibe you get from your home isn’t as you as you’d like, all the more reason to paint your house, because a little bit of color goes a long way. Bring your personality home by choosing the color or combination of colors for your house that represent you best.

Give Your Home Neighborhood Curb Appeal

First impressions are everything. Ever drive by and notice that one stylish house that sticks out in a neighborhood where all the other houses look the same? That’s called neighborhood curb appeal, and it’s all the more reason why you should paint your house. With some new exterior paint, your house could be the one every passerby remembers. It’s a small gesture that will bring big results, making your home more attractive and increasing its curb appeal.

Increase Your Home’s Financial ROI

Whether it’s a fixer upper, or a house that’s only been around for a few years, putting work into your home to get a good return on your investment (ROI) is probably something floating around in your head. This is precisely one of the reasons why you would need to paint your home. Compared to remodeling, painting your home is a proven, cost-effective way to bump up the value in your investment, and a sure-fire way to make certain you’re getting back your money’s worth.

Premium Paints Provide Weather Protection

Let’s face it – weather waits for no one, and one of the most important reasons to paint your house is to give it a fighting chance against the elements. Rain, snow, ice, dust, dirt, and heat can really do a number on your house. Why not do the most to protect it? Whether you’re in the Northeast where winters are brutal, or places like Miami or Dallas where the summer sun can be intense and unrelenting, painting your house is a proven way to enhance its durability and protect it against nature’s ever changing moods.

Improve The Indoor Air Quality Of Your Home

Who would have thought that one of the benefits of painting your house is health benefits! That’s right – by using quality paints with little to no volatile organic compounds (VOC for short) you’re not only making your home look better, you’re improving the air you and your family breathes in the place where more time is spent together than anywhere else. So the next time you think about why you would need to paint your home, take a breath of fresh air, and know that it could always be fresher with the right paint.

Provides Cover Up For Damages And Stains

Let’s face it, from mud slinging four-legged friends to aspiring mini superheroes, there are a lot of things outside our control when it comes to keeping our interior walls clean and looking good. But not to worry – a fresh coat of paint is the solution when it comes to those stubborn marks and stains. Even if you’ve got the next Picasso in the making, painting your house will help to ensure your walls stay spotless and neat.

A Cost-Efficient Remodel

So, you’ve got a room that needs a little work. To be more specific, it feels a little small, claustrophobic even. Before you pull out that dusty sledgehammer from the shed and do your worst to a wall, did you know a lighter color of paint could help make a room feel more open and spacious? Perspective and color play a huge role in how we experience spaces, which is all the reason why you should consider painting your home. So, before you commit to what could be an incredibly costly renovation, a different color of paint could be the answer you’re looking for.

Keeping Up With HOA Standards

It’s always a good idea to stay on the good side of your homeowner’s association. An HOA fine could really put a snag in your day, especially when it’s for neglecting the appearance of your house. Keeping up with HOA standards is one of the more important reasons why you would need to paint your house. That being said, think of it as pulling two weeds with one yank (we’re bird lovers here). Not only are you making your house more attractive, you’re also saving money! Win win!

Reduce Dust And Dirt

Imagine you’re in the most important virtual meeting of your life, and right when it’s your turn to give the presentation you’ve worked so hard to prepare…you let out a sneeze that startles the whole room. That’s what happens when too much dust accumulates on your home surfaces, however some new interior paint is a proven way to help reduce dust, dirt, and other nasty particles that could be looking to sabotage your next opportunity to get on your boss’s good side. Making sure you’re on your A-game by minimizing allergens is definitely a good reason to paint your house.

Improved Family Positivity Outlook

Craving some beach but not a single body of water for miles? Or how about a serene meadow filled with lush greenery? The right shade of blue or green can transport you to that favorite vacation retreat. Maybe you’re looking to feel a little lighter. Some white or light paint can give you the perceived feeling of a space being more open and airy. Colors can play a huge role in your entire outlook on your home and living conditions. The psychology of the effect of colors on human beings have long been studied by scientists and researchers. There’s a color for every mood, so don’t be shy when it comes to considering the benefits of why you would need to paint your house. Color will enhance your living experience for you and your family.

Who Should You Hire To Paint Your Home

Finding the right painting company to bring your dream home to life is no easy feat. There’s a lot that goes into pulling off a successful painting job, and if this is your first time hiring a painting company, or maybe you had a nightmare of an experience with the last one, making a decision can be daunting, or downright debilitating.

Finding the right painting company should be a pleasant experience that gives you the peace of mind and reassurance that you’ve got the best people for the job.

Here are a few things to consider to help you make the right choice when choosing a painting company for your next big painting project.

Transparency with Services Offered

If it was really just about taping edges and rolling some paint onto a wall, you could just do it yourself. Sure, a company looking at a room and throwing out a number sounds easy and effortless in theory. But what about when it comes to choosing the right color and finish? What if you’ve got some wallpaper that needs to come down, or shelving that needs to go up? How much paint is the job going to require?

Some projects call for more than just painting. That’s why you want to go for a company that’s going to be transparent about the services they might offer. You could come across a service you didn’t know you needed like power washing, carpentry, and even flooring! Effective communication is key to a successful painting project, and the right company is going to make the entire process as easy as possible when they talk to you about why you would need to paint your home. Look for the company that offers comprehensive consultations, so you can rest assured that all your painting needs, and the needs you didn’t even know about, are all taken care of.

Employee Training

Don’t get gypped. Finding the right painting company is based on trust, but just because someone says they can paint, doesn’t mean your paint is going to lay on even or your edges are going to be clean. And the last thing you want to do is wait until the finished product tells you you’ve made a grave mistake.

It’s recommended you ask what kind of training employees have undergone, whether they’ve been screened, and how many years they’ve been with the company. You want to go with well-seasoned professionals who have perfected their craft. Not only this, but it’s also recommended you ask about safety training as well. The last thing you’d want to worry about are accidents and injuries. Taking these extra steps will help keep your mind at ease throughout the process.

Licensing, Proof of Current Insurance, and Workers’ Comp

Accidents happen – that’s just the way of the world, but that shouldn’t be a cause of concern for you when you’ve got so much else on your plate. That’s why it’s important to find a licensed company that’s fully insured, and one that’s willing to be fully transparent about their coverage, which should include:

  • Property damage
  • Worker’s Comp – to keep you protected in case anyone gets hurt on the job.

Consider it a major red flag if the company hesitates to offer proof of insurance.

The Estimate Should Be Thorough and Clear

Make sure your estimate is thorough, easy to understand, and covers these things listed below:

  • Payment details – including when the final payment is due, what forms of payment are accepted, and unexpected complications that could affect the price.
  • What all is included in the estimated price – Does the price include moving furniture and fixtures? Cleanup?
  • A timeline – so you know how long the project is going to take. Weather can always ruin a schedule, so there should be a backup plan as well, just in case.
  • A contact person – in case you’ve got any questions, or something unexpected happens.

On A Budget? Ask About Special Offers and Referral Rewards

Who doesn’t like discounts and free money? Who says you can’t save on your next big painting project? Keep an eye out for painting companies that have special offers and referral rewards. You could score yourself a sweet deal on your dream home painting project! And everyone loves a good story about saving money.